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It is a short (half-day), accessible class that is designed for any coffee professional who is curious to expand their knowledge and fill a knowledge gap for Robusta.



The class explores Robusta through historical, biological and organoleptic perspectives. The history of Robusta and the Robusta market are used to create context for the present state of Robusta and its potential as a specialty coffee. Throughout the class, relevant comparisons to Arabica are made, including market statistics, farming and production practices, and cup quality. The goal is to introduce Robusta to a wide breadth of coffee professionals so that learners will realize the potential of Fine Robusta.


Who is it for

People who want to fill their knowledge gap for Robusta.


一直以來,CQI傳統既Grader課程,都係針對需要「分析」咖啡質素,主要為現正從事咖啡業界人士而設,雖然有細分為Arabica及Robusta路線,但真正向大眾推廣Fine Robusta的初階課程卻寥寥可數,就算係SCA傳統CSP五大單元,主要都係以Arabica為主軸去制定課程內容,以致業界中對Robusta種植、後製、烘焙、沖煮討論可謂微乎其微。


CQI近年留意到以上現象,而由於近十年Post-harvest Processing得到大幅躍進,加上全球變暖,種好Robusta變得技術上可行,而且有實際需要,以作為Arabica日漸難種既後備方案。CQI設計左一個100%以Robusta為中心既課程,探討Robusta種植、後製、烘焙、風味方向等多角度知識,from farm to cup from Robusta point of view,從而了解Robusta潛力。


Part 1: History of Coffea Canephora Cultivation, Profile of Robusta producing countries 
Part 2: Robusta plant, farm and chemistry
Part 3: Post-harvest Processing of Robusta  
Part 4: The Robusta Market
Part 5: Quality Evaluation of Robusta


100% Robusta
至少十款來自世界各產地,經CQI Robusta Grader評定分數為80分或以上之Fine (精品) Robusta (CQI課程要求六款)


HK$1,300 (5月前早鳥優惠$1,200) 
(完成課程後,學生可獲得CQI Robusta for Arabica Lovers證書乙張)


Ivan Cheung
CQI Lecturer (QE, PHP)
CQI Arabica Grader
CQI Robusta Grader
Cup of Excellence (COE) International Juror



CQI唔係淨係得Q Grader course㗎,Coffee Quality Institute同SCA係密不可分既機構,CQI強調中上游產業鏈發展,專注做兩件事:檢定咖啡品質、優化處理法工序以改善咖啡農生計。用SCA context嚟講,CQI比較專注Sensory Skills以及Green Coffee知識。實際上,業界中恆常為咖啡杯測評分 (分數80分或以上才算精品咖啡),叫Q Grader (CQI咖啡品質鑑定師)的一群人,就係由CQI訓練及認可,而我地亦不時舉辦各項CQI課程以推廣更多咖啡知識。

CQI Robusta for Arabica Lovers (100)

  • Cantonese

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